I Traded my Painting for a Song ✦ Acryla Gouache Painting Process

Art, video


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A few years ago, my friend Ben had the idea of making art based off of each other’s work. He sent me a song and I sent him a painting, and we each made another piece of art in our respective mediums based on the ones we received.
It was so fun we did it again! The song Ben sent can be heard in the beginning of this video.
You can listen to more of his music here: https://www.youtube.com/c/ben_burnes

Join our Discord community for channels full of free resources for artists, both from me and submitted by the community. You can also share your own artwork and gain feedback! Join here: https://dsc.gg/strawbooty


✦ Turner Acryl Gouache: http://shop.pe/OcCBV9opT
✦ Liquitex Acrylics: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LNXACC8
✦ Brushes – Transon Round Brushes – https://amzn.to/3mtfD29
✦ My most used traditional supplies: https://kit.co/MadameBerry/madameberry-s-go-to-supplies


Prints, Stickers, and More: https://madameberry.com/shop

Find me on the internet!
✦ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MadameBerry
✦ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/madameberry
✦ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/madameberry
✦ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/madameberry/
✦ Discord: https://dsc.gg/strawbooty
✦ Commissions: http://bit.ly/CommissionBerry

Background Music By:

Music by Juan Sánchez – Sands of Time – https://thmatc.co/?l=DB9ED7A5

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MadameBerry paints surreal portraits inspired by digital decay. After burning out and pivoting from game development to painting, she learned about how to implement healthier habits into her creative career, and wrote A Motion To Make: The Creative Productivity Workbook, available here: https://madameberry.com/workbook

She can be reached at contact@madameberry.com

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